Normal for Me I Am
Normal for Me I Am
All my life, I tried to fit in with what I thought was normal. Deep down, the “little girl” inside me believed that life would be easier if I could just be normal—even though I couldn’t tell you what normal actually was. I just knew it wasn’t me. I felt like an outsider, so I lived my life constantly going along with the crowd.
Whenever I’d get frustrated with people telling me that what I was doing wasn’t normal—even though I was trying desperately to be—I’d snap. My reaction? To go in the complete opposite direction. “Okay, if what I’m doing isn’t normal, let me show you what not normal looks like!” That’s when I shaved my head, embraced every fringe idea I could find, protested against what I thought was “normal,” and completely lost myself.
But somewhere, guided by some internal compass, I found a path back to me. On that path, I discovered ancient wisdom called Directional Mantras.
I already knew what mantras were about. As a practicing Buddhist, I understood how they could help redirect my thoughts. But even with traditional mantras, I still felt out of place—as if My-Self was wrong. I still felt like something inside me was innately flawed. Once again, I was stuck in the same cycle of not feeling normal.
That’s when I created the Directional Mantra: Normal for Me I Am. It resonated with something deep inside me and confirmed that I would never let anyone outside of me define who I am. I realized I am normal—for me—and no one has the right to tell me otherwise.
This mantra was a breakthrough, a “DAH moment” that cracked the hard shell of self-hatred I had built from years of trying to fit in and failing. Suddenly, it didn’t matter why I didn’t fit in. I felt free to create who I am without needing external validation. I realized I had spent my life creating a version of myself based on other people’s perceptions, and I had believed their stories. Now, I am choosing to believe in me.
That little voice inside of you? Listen to it. It’s your “I Am” guiding you because it loves you, wants the best for you, and needs to be heard. You might not realize it yet, but you have a future self that isn’t tainted by your past. That future self becomes realized when you tell the world who you are through directional mantras.
“Normal for Me I Am” is more than a mantra; it’s a declaration of self-acceptance and freedom. It’s about embracing the unique you and letting go of the need to fit into someone else’s definition of normal. Start listening to your inner guide and create the life that is authentically yours.
Hi, I'm Kimberly
Licensed clinical social worker and relationship coach